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Month: June 2013

Fat Burning Foods

Fat Burning Foods

One amazing thing happens when you lose weight and finally put your health in order (am not talking about buying a new bikini) everyone wants to know how did you. Am I right? This exactly what happened to my mom. Last year he lost 40 pounds and couldn’t stop taking your medicine for blood pressure and cholesterol using only the principles of the program eat to lose (not I asked if he bought the bikini). Now, even though a year has already passed, all her friends call her constantly to ask questions of health and nutrition. This is very funny, since they never want to talk to me, they just want to talk to her! This week my mom called me because I needed a little help. I tried to tell one of the gentlemen who goes to my gym that should use coconut oil for cooking and almost falls out of the machine for exercise. I think that he thought that he was trying to kill her. She told me that her doctor instructed to stop eating saturated fats and oils such as the coconut to make bloat.

How explain you that it is actually good for her? This same happens to me all the time. People can hardly them work believe that coconut oil is not fattening, nor is dangerous. It has made everyone believe erroneously that fat, especially saturated fat, is the cause of our weight gain and health problems. This is partially true. Some fats and hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils if they contribute to heart disease and weight gain; However, good fats such as coconut, butter and olive oil oil in fact are wonderful fat for our bodies. Think of how healthy that were the people at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century. Heart diseases were virtually unknown in those days.

Haemmerhoid Treatments

Haemmerhoid Treatments

If they have already tried many types of solutions or treatments for hemorrhoids may then understand the differences of how to use each one. In this article, I’ll try to explain what each of them do to the body. The first is from popular type creams and ointments is a topical treatment that is rubbed on the outside rectal area and aims to relieve the blood vessels. This creates a relaxation of tissues so that they do not protrude much. Once the tissue does not protrude, the hemorrhoid will be less painful. This causes some temporary relief, but unfortunately it is practically guaranteed that hemorrhoids protrude again.

The type 2 that is very popular is also in the form of suppositories inserted into the rectum for the purpose of delivery of moisture to the hemorrhoid and creating a lubricant after effect that pressure comes from the rectum. The goal is to ensure the healing of hemorrhoids without breaking again. For some it works well, others not so much but worth watching. Type 3 are pills that can be consumed by regulating blood pressure in the system. This can have side effects, but in general is used to reinforce the fabric so that the hemorrhoid is less susceptible to problems. It is a treatment that has its benefits but they can also induce real adverse effects. These three types are the most common and once these have been depleted, you still have options such as surgery or cryotherapy. Everything depends on each specific case and what you can tolerate.

Best is to first try safer before going to extreme measures options. Even if the pain is unbearable, you can still use the relief of these methods. It is simply not welcome long term either. Now, all is not lost. I have a solution that I was pleasantly surprised. I would like to revise a completely natural and safe remedy that works in a few days. He is called miracle system H and it can be found in: has already been tested by thousands of success stories in the fashion of alternative medicine. The system It includes ingredients, graphics and audio resources and basically everything you need to cure your hemorrhoids completely for all. I really recommend it and also that see the testimonials of users who have succeeded even with severe hemorrhoids and forever.



The topic of abortion is, to some extent, inexhaustible because of the diverse and controversial positions that are taken before each of the cases. Abortion refers to the action of abort, terminate pregnancy expelling the product, whether you’re dead or live independently. Given this term, disruption of abortion can occur in natural or spontaneous way, or artificially, i.e. that abortion has been induced since women who gestated product has decided to carry out such an Act, whether by medical advice or willingly, situation approved in recent days. With the legalization of abortion was intended to prevent clandestine practices that caused the death of thousands of women. At the time that sought to regulate revenue (which exceeded one million and a half pesos annually) and the efforts of illegal clinics. Recent studies reveal that the legalization of abortion resulted in a cost of more than 3 million pesos per day. In this way, you have failed to carry out legrados professionals in 65 thousand abortions that are carried out annually since the year 2000.

It is very important to consider that in expressed cost, required a little more than four thousand surgeons, operating theatres, anesthesiologists and orderlies; In addition to nurses, beds, utensils and other equipment that makes that abortion can be carried out in the best way, thus successful surgical intervention. Thus, the overall cost sum the quantity of a little more than two million pesos. The main objective pursued by the legalization of abortion is be reduced mortality caused by complications in childbirth, which is 2.7% in Mexico. However, once approved such legalization, not issued any regulations which oblige doctors to perform the abortion. Since in terms of medicine, the purpose of executing such surgery is to cure. If the embryo is not considered a disease that expose to the mother, then the ethics of the surgeon prevented perform abortion.