Association Insurance

Association Insurance

Avoid frost damage large insurance sums, you prepare yourself with some measures on the winter winter is officially on the way, remove the hours of sunshine and temperatures fall. As an expert of the empty management VPSitex recommend all owners and managers now upgrading your vacant buildings for the winter, to protect them from the cold and costly damage and EnergieverschVPSitex, vacancy management, expert warns the next winter to prepare for owners to prevent frost damage to vermeidenwendung. The German Insurance Association reported that by the onset of winter in February 2012 overcost came to around 300 000 euros to the German building insurance. According to a statement of the German tenants Association, approximately 16,000 frozen water pipes every winter provide significant damage to buildings. If tenant / landlord comply with appropriate due diligence, usually building insurance, household, or liability insurance for such contact Damage a. Peter Glanville, Managing Director of VPSitex Germany GmbH, stressed: “the wintry influences can considerable damage, E.g. freezing of water systems, pipe breaks and floods due to strong rains on vacancies leave and can very costly repairs to pull or delay the re-use.” We encourage owners and managers to act now and to prepare for the winter with a few simple steps.” At the same time, give the long dark winter months more options under the cover of darkness to be active criminals and often lead to an increase in crime, malicious damage and expenses for insurance claims. To help these problems, particularly for vacant homes, owner, VPSitex offers a range of solutions.

These range from object support measures monitoring with mobile alarm systems in combination with water level detectors and cable theft channels. So can both safe around the clock and immediately detects water damage are. Valuable tips for the preparation of vacant real estate on the coming winter to download still provides VPSitex real estate owners and managers. It can be downloaded under winter.

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