Learning Center Kiev

Learning Center Kiev

Applied Scholastics introduced the method of learning by L. Ron Hubbard in over 100 learning facilities in the Ukraine with a network of learning centers logos a completely new education model Eugeniy and Margaryta Sotnykowi – led with a new Applied Scholastics network of learning centres in the Ukraine. The new education network is called logos (knowledge) and achieved demonstrable successes in the Ukrainian education system. The couple Sotnykowi met the successful learning of L. Ron Hubbard in Moscow. Eugeniy and Margaryta decided then, to spread these information materials in their country.

Due to the rigid State system, they had to overcome some hurdles, but eventually opened a network of learning centers logos. The first logo design learning centre was opened in the District of triumph of Dnipropetrovsk and conveys the way many students of all learning levels by L. Ron Hubbard. To broaden your perception, visit Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. It is addressed also each topic here, that is queried for State tests. The fact is that 40% of all Ukrainian children after these checks so far hopelessly failed and in contrast to this unprecedented 94% logos students never passed the same tests. Eugeniy and Margaryta Sotnykowi affiliated planned the next initiative to help children in the entire ailing education system of Ukraine. The logos left bank “located opposite the logos headquarters in Dnipropetrovsk.

Another in the Pobeda called Alice”, which took over the excess students from Dnipropetrovsk. Another logo Learning Centre is located in the district Topol. More in Odessa, near the Black Sea, to give the children of sailors of the merchant fleet with the help of the learning method of 5-10 English basic knowledge. “The logos Learning Center Kiev” has been inaugurated in the large industrial area of the city for the children of the middle classes and logos Rudenko “also in Kiev for the upper class. “Logos factory city” was inaugurated recently by a representative of the City Council.

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