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Month: May 2014

Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism

Santiago of Cali is one of the most important cities of Colombia. Located in the West of the country and with a population of more than 2 million inhabitants, it is to only about 45 minutes via aerial of the Colombian capital, Bogota. Besides having manifolds natural attractions and possibility of development. One of the characteristics that all remember when they travel by Colombia is the beauties of his wifves. The Colombians are outstanding by their beauty anywhere in the world, by that reason have won in reiterated occasions contests of beauties. For many, the Colombian woman she represents a prototype of Latin woman, something as well as a model to follow. This is the idea that is operated to turn to Cali, as destiny of the aesthetic tourism.

The curves of the women of the Valley of the Cauca, department whose capital is Cali, have turned a this Colombian city like one of the destinies more concurred to be realised tie treatments with the health and beauty, like aesthetic surgeries. The amount of people is so much, mainly arrive from the States United to be put under some treatments. So quickly the rumor of the great category of its professionals like the technological high levels was disclosed on which they tell to the clinics and private hospitals nowadays. They were doing that little by little Cali Mecca of the medical tourism in Latin America is positioned like one. According to made famous professional of the aesthetic surgery, they affirm that the best ambassador of the Colombian beauty is the same Colombian woman. They with their ebullient bodies are the best sample of how she can be a woman who decides to be taken care of in this country of the south of Latin America. In addition it is necessary to consider that the costs of the surgeries are much more low that in other countries like the United States. Original author and source of the article.

Brunswick Lawyers

Brunswick Lawyers

Munich, more success for clients of the firm Cape lawyers the 02.04.2012 – Cape firm specializing in investor protection lawyers in Munich has more successes for their clients against the English life insurance clerical medical: recently the regional courts Stuttgart and Memmingen, in favor of the plaintiff decided that clerical medical is obliged to provide compensation or other contractual payment. A claim for damages amounting to approximately 145.000,00 or the quarterly payout of approximately Euro 3.150,00 until in the year 2044 was awarded the plaintiffs here. The two from the law firm Cape lawyers litigious judgments are classified, in a series of several judgments which agree for now almost one and a half years the English clerical medical liability. Currently, for example, the regional courts of Schwerin and Brunswick have condemned clerical medical liability. Have several courts of appeal such as Munich, Stuttgart, Celle, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt am Main and Dresden, Bamberg already answered in the affirmative a liability of clerical medical. These judgments cover also affect a wide range of so-called lever models, in which the insurance of clerical medical were used, such as the so-called euro plan, the LEX concept pension, and the individual pension. Lawyer Thorsten Krause, managing partner lawyers, law firm Cape talking about the current sentences: “against the background of recent developments at the Federal Supreme Court on the clerical medical recently in a case which has taken back revision and recognized the claim of the applicant, are the current judgments of regional courts only consistently. Investors should make sure their existing claims not to leave and to get advice from a lawyer specialised in this topic”.

Inner Child

Inner Child

Do not know how to play and have fun. Never uznat b, how to relax and manage voltage. Do not know how to appreciate life. We prefer to work in their lives. Take yourself too seriously. Feel guilty over what we do not 'good enough' to force themselves to work harder to be 'Good enough.

" Become workaholics. Do not have our family life with our children. Suspicious of people who enjoy life, have fun and know how to play. Social exclusion, due to fear of contact with other people, afraid that we will find inadequate, abnormal, or inappropriate. How can you nurture your "Inner Child"? You can tell your 'Inner Child', that's OK: Have freedom to make choices for themselves. To be 'selfish' and do things that you want to do. Do not hurry in order to do things that you want to do. Communicate only with people with whom you want to communicate.

Take some people and avoid others. Give and receive love from others. Let someone else worry about you. Savoury fruit of your labor without feeling guilty. Find time to 'play' and 'fun' every day. Do not be so "serious / th, 'tense / oh, and die-hard / th for life. Set limits on how you're going to communicate with others. Not always 'to serve' others. Accept that others 'serve' you. Responsible for their own lives and not let others dictate to you. Be honest with others about your thoughts and feelings. Risk and carry a positive or negative consequences of risk.

Medical Technology Made

Medical Technology Made

Leadership at Heritage Elektromedizin GmbH, Tubingen – gives insight into the development of a warehouse-management solution Stuttgart AEB project manager, February 21, 2012 at the this year’s day of logistics students in Baden-Wurttemberg can find out how a company coped with the complex requirements of intralogistics. Insight around the heritage preserved it in a community event Electromedicine, Hochschule Pforzheim, AEB Stuttgart and the student regional group of BVL Baden-Wurttemberg. In the Center, a leadership at heritage is Electromedicine, a leading manufacturer of medical devices. In the product portfolio are among other innovative equipment for high-frequency surgery, the water beam surgery as well as instruments and accessories for hemostasis, removal of the tumor and minimally invasive operations. From the world’s only production site in Tubingen, heritage sent annually approximately 60,000 items with devices and accessories to hospitals, doctor’s offices and authorized dealers. In heritage 3000 m2 many different flows of goods must be coordinated in large warehouse. In addition to the delivery of new surgical devices and instruments, spare parts to external and internal customers are to deliver. In addition, also the shipping is organised by trial and view goods on warehouse logistics.

Instruments and medical devices here come back after surgery, sterilized and sent back. Heritage uses the warehouse management software of the Stuttgart-based software company AEB to the logistics optimization and continuous IT support of all warehouse processes. How heritage, to bring”the complex flows of goods under a hat is the focus of the tags of the logistics in Tubingen. After the tour through modern heritage logistics centre students and prospective insight in the different fields of work, the logistics. Three presentations explain how theory and practice come together, how to optimize logistics processes through IT like you with the help of the BVL network early practice impressions and gather contacts can establish: from theory into practice explain concrete examples the practice orientation of training graduates and students of the Hochschule Pforzheim. Software focus: how should software look, to support the work processes in the warehouse? The project manager of AEB gives insight into the development of a warehouse-management solution.

Federal Association for Logistik (BVL) at a glance: student regional group Baden-Wurttemberg will present their work. “” Agenda day of logistics “at Heritage Elektromedizin GmbH, Tubingen place: Waldhornlestrasse 17, 72072 Tubingen from 9 A.m. admission, coffee, and tea 9.30 A.m. Welcoming address and presentation of heritage Electromedicine: challenges in the construction of a new Logistics Centre complex flows of goods in a warehouse” speaker: Michael Ankele, head of materials management at 10:30 guided tour through the distribution centre: goods receipt, picking and packing to dispatch 12:00 lunch with finger food/q & a session 12:30 theory meets practice: Short lectures of the University of Pforzheim, the AEB and the student regional group of BVL Baden-Wurttemberg from 13.30 plenary/q & a session: contact of heritage, Hochschule Pforzheim, AEB and the student BVL regional spokesman available to internship opportunities, student job, to discuss joining the regional group etc.