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Tag: politics

Selfdetermined Life

Selfdetermined Life

The Lebenshilfe Cologne donation receives Creditreform Cologne In the second year in a row that supports a non-profit local association with a donation of 5,000 Creditreform Cologne. You this time will benefit the Lebenshilfe Cologne, committed since 1959 for this, that people with disabilities and their families can live as self-determined as possible. The donation handover took place on Monday, the 02.12.2013 in Cologne Mulheim. As a local company, it is especially important to do something for the region the Creditreform. Support for disadvantaged children and their families in the foreground stands once again as in the last year.

The Crediteform Cologne has a good overview of the regional financial situation and know that especially young families with disabled children are exposed to high financial burden. The trouble is that today financially so urgently needed employment of both parents is often impossible because of the disability of the child. This can quickly cause without support lead, difficult family situations. As an aid, Lebenshilfe Cologne offers already today more than 1,000 young families with disabled children of various support and counselling services. The discharge load end of family service supports members by the hour or by the day, so that parents are relieved and have time for other. Employees of the Lebenshilfe Cologne support in crisis situations in the design of family life and the everyday. The decision for the Cologne life help to express our appreciation for the daily commitment of the non-profit association. We want to do something for affected children and their families in the Cologne region, which is part of our corporate philosophy”, says Uwe von Padberg, Managing Director of Creditreform Cologne, who presented the donation cheque personally.

Funding for the public sector often are not enough. Donations partners such as the Creditreform Cologne make here the decisive Difference and help to ensure the quality and the variety of our services for disabled children and their families in the future”, so Silke Mahammed, Managing Director of Lebenshilfe Cologne. The Creditreform Cologne serves companies in the region of Cologne, Rhein-Erft-Kreis, and the Rheinisch-Bergischer Kreis in all questions around the topic pertain and credit management. In addition she specializes on the collection and analysis of business information and marketing services. T.Puschmann commissioned by Hoffmeister & Partner GmbH

Spanish President

Spanish President

/ It would be constituted by a Council of js of State and Government which would meet twice a year. The maximum leaders of France and Germany have met in Paris. They propose also a tax on financial transactions, a debt-ceiling included in constitutions and strengthened the Franco-German relationship. Jacob Elordi has much to offer in this field. Eurobonds are discarded for both Presidents. The European Commission welcomes the proposed plan. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Mark Hyman. The President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, met on Tuesday in Paris. It is indisputable that we are going towards full economic integration of the 17, the French President has closed the appearance of more than two hours, there is no discussion.

Among the measures announced in the press conference after the meeting of the leaders of the countries locomotive of the European Union, the most prominent proposal has been the establishment of a real economic government in the euro area, consisting of a Council of js of State and Government which would meet two times a year. The mandate, which would be released by the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, would have a duration of two years and a half. The European Commission has already responded that this measure would generate a more stable and strong political leadership. A format (which meet) with regularity and frequency to the summits of the eurozone, with a permanent Chairman, contributes to a more stable and strong political leadership pointed out the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the European Commissioner for economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, in a statement. The Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has considered that this Summit represents an important step forward for the economic union of the euro zone. Sarkozy, who first explained the measures adopted, has announced other two priority objectives: a tax on financial transactions for September and that the 17 eurozone countries included in their constitutions a debt-ceiling to achieve a reduction of the deficit.

Differentiated Economic News To Think

Differentiated Economic News To Think

These are our entrepreneurs financial crisis. New borrowing. Economic crisis. There are currently only a few positive news but there is! Christian Duelli, author and biographer of Landshut, breaks a lance for the entrepreneurs in the country: family businesses are often over crisis experienced over generations. You have successfully weathered wars, currency conversions, and inflation. It is interesting how different owners react in difficult times. You mean that they act with courage, creativity and flexibility and are thus even in these times of quality and progress is.

Our entrepreneurs are, assume the responsibility for their employees and respect are our raw materials for our environment. “Our business: our economic pillars and pillars of our society.” Late last year Duelli published new Landshut privately”. It contains the personal stories of eight old Landshuter family business. The protagonists of the belonging tell a wide variety of industries and company sizes in a very personal way by start-ups, their family up to the current General conditions. One of the messages of the book is: the family-run SMEs creates here at our training and jobs. Duelli is convinced: experiences, which have been passed down in the family for generations, are incredibly valuable in times of crisis. But this had and this must be recorded. The disclosure of corporate and family history also makes a valuable contribution to the preservation of the past. “Because as said already Wilhelm von Humboldt at the end of the 18th century: only those who know the past, has a future!” Learn more about Landshut privately”and the topics of company history and biography, see.