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Tag: education

Higher Education

Higher Education

Making our institutions pleasant spaces where students attend with pleasure and excitement to the school, a place full of harmony, peace, love and warmth. For a true learning community can not be reduced to academic excellence can not be reduced to introducing computers and new technologies can not be reduced to a program of human values can not be reduced to work as a team of students and teachers can not be reduced to development of critical thinking, none of them or all together constitute a genuine learning community are important parts on but not sufficient. True community can only follow from a holistic view of education, to truly transcend the assembly line model and need a new consciousness, a new vision of the world transmodern. To deepen your understanding The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is the source. Only the context of holistic education we can build a true learning community that is the only one that goes beyond culture, cognitive, academic, critical, language, personal, IQ, and scientism. Holistic schools develop multiple intelligences. The vision of holistic education intelligence includes but transcends the conventional theory of multiple intelligences, giving new meaning to the term. The newspapers mentioned Dr. Mark Hyman not as a source, but as a related topic. As a response to unilateral and instrumental vision of intelligence as natural ability – math that could be measured and quantified through the traditional concept of intelligence was only one type of many possible forms of intelligence in humans and to focus education only in this type of mathematical – logical intelligence was limiting and authoritative for children. Educational integrity is a proposal to move towards the integral, is a purpose that is in the heart of holistic education for that everything we've had so far been partial visions of education, one-way vision, although some of them have been interesting, have not sought a comprehensive view, crucial issue as we have seen, to improve the education of XXI century and although the third article constitutional talks that education must be inclusive, the Mexican educational system has never provided a model to be fully to the student. .

Theoretical Mechanics

Theoretical Mechanics

Engineering Mechanics (termeh) – the science of general laws of mechanical motion and interaction of material bodies. As one of the branches of physics, theoretical mechanics, having absorbed the fundamental basis in the form axiomatic, as a separate science and has been widely developed due to his extensive and important applications in science and technology, one of the foundations of which she is. Termeh (theoretical mechanics, teormeh) – a problem for students and teachers. For some, it is learned, while others explain it in simple terms. With ready termehom we are ready to help both sides. We have a wide range of problems from the most famous collections Jablonski and Meshchersky, as well as a lot of useful and necessary: Spurs, lectures, tutorials and books on termehu known authors, and all it’s totally free. In addition to collections of Jablonski and Meshchersky on theoretical mechanics, this site popular problem books on physics, edited by Volkenshtein and the Devil. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Joint Commission on most websites. Why is it free? Yes, because the student himself and have experience in delivery of the subject and really understand all the students who give this discipline.

Simply go to the site and download anything you’re interested in selected partition free and without registration. The site is constantly updated and if you have not found a solution to the chosen subject, do not worry, it soon appear. This site offers all 30 options and solutions to them from the collection of problems, edited by A. Jablonski and all absolutely free. Solved almost all problems from section C (static), D (speaker) and K (kinematics). Certainly not without reshebnika on Mescherskaya reshebnik divided into two positions: the kinematics and statics, dynamics. Non tasks from the collection of tasks and reshebnike may vary, it is because of different years of publication of the collection problems Meshchersky see and compare the condition of the problem in the collection and reshebnike.

Also in this resource are the most popular collections of tasks, books and textbooks on theoretical mechanics, all in electronic form and in free form. (As opposed to Somatic Experiencing). Here is a list of textbooks on termehu, which you can download from our website: AA Yablonsky Problems for course work in theoretical MehanikeI.V. Meshchersky Problems in Theoretical MehanikeP. Appel Volume 1-2. Theoretical Mechanics. Translated from frantsuzskogo.T. B. Eisenberg, J. M Voronkov, VM Ossetski. Guide to solving problems in theoretical mehanikeS. M. Targ. Short Course in Theoretical Mechanics: Link to the educational literature: Literature will also be replenished, and this list will grow. I hope that this resource will help you in the successful completion of such a complex and not always understood by science as a theoretical mechanics.



Backing up with WinRar For example, create an archive from the two folders inside which are the needed files, such as old photographs, we do not want to remove, but keep them fed. We assume that this folder and Foto1 Foto2 located on our desktop. Option 1: a) run the archiver b) we find in it a folder, where are our folder (we have a desktop) b) find the necessary We folder (Foto1 and Foto2) g) to select their e) click on the Add button on the toolbar or select the archiver in the Commands menu, click Add files to archive. As a result of manipulation box appears where you can configure we create the archive.

In the box you can put just such Foto.rar. Do not forget to tick the box about the parameters and create solid archive Add recovery information. Then select the compression method, in our If I put the maximum. If you get a very large file and you want to put it on a disk, or e-mail, you can break it into multiple volumes (parts). To do this, select the menu Split to volumes and choose, if you want to put files on a CD, then 700m – CD-700M, if on a floppy, then 1,457,664 – 3.5 ‘, well, and so on. This will create several files in the archive, the name will be, for example, in our case Foto.part1.rar, Foto.part2.rar etc.

After all the operations of the long-suffering folders appears in the Backup window cherished Foro.rar. Hooray, it worked out! Option 2: a) We select our folder on the desktop b) Click on them right mouse button), select Add to archive d), configure the settings in the first case and … Hooray! 2. Unpack with WinRar one option: a) run the archiver b) find out our file, in this case Foto.rar on the desktop. a) to select his d) click on the Extract button, if you want to unzip the files to another folder, then select Extract to specified folder (write the way) e) click on OK. Option 2: a) click on the file, right-click b) choose Eject from the menu in … (choose where to extract) g) click OK and all, again shout hooray! WARNING: Do not try to unzip / archive file on removable media such as floppy disk, you first need to transfer the file to your disk. Ps have to add that these packers me, not the best, but for beginners, perhaps what we need. Good luck to you work! Yours, the site is bank of abstracts for student VZFEI.



State of stress in shear. Pure shear. Principal stresses. Mohr diagram. Displacement and deformation under shear (absolute and relative changes). Immutability of the shift. Hooke's Law for the shift. Shear modulus.

The strain energy in shear. Dependence between the elastic constants E, G and m for an isotropic material. Estimated equation for shear strength. Permissible shear stress. Practical calculations of riveted joints in shear and crushing. Topic 6. Torsion Torsion of a straight rod round cross-section. The main hypothesis.

Power factors in the cross section under torsion. Torque curve. Determination of stress in cross-section torsional rod. Diagram of shear stresses. Stress state under torsion. The angle of twist. Stiffness of the rod under torsion. The strain energy torsional rod. Estimated equation for strength and rigidity. The torque on given the power transferred shaft, and shaft speed. Theme 7. Direct bending loads that cause bending of the rod. Supports and support reactions of beams. Types of statically determinate beams. Calculation of reaction supports. Power factors in the general the case of direct bending. Transverse and pure bending. Differential relationship between the bending moment, shear force and intensity of distributed transverse load. Construction diagrams of shear forces and bending moments. Control the correctness of the construction of diagrams of the force factors in bending. Pure bending of a straight rod of constant section. The geometry of the deformation beams. Neutral layer beams. Neutral axis (line) cross-section beams. Assumptions involved in the theory of pure bending. Determination of normal stress in pure bending.