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Probably everyone heard today about the problems of infertility. Moreover, if female infertility are now trying to heal, then men can be treated seriously. Basically it comes down to putting a large number of tests. To read more click here: Carl Rogers. First you are asked to be tested for infection, then visit a number of doctors to exclude some congenital diseases, asked to be tested in the clinic (at the place of your treatment) on expensive equipment, and only then will make a "sentence". As a rule, you designate a treatment that will consist of massage and use of certain drugs. This applies to both women and men. In this case, payment for all "services" is not small, and guarantees special no one gives. By and large you can at least be treated for years, making continuous ultrasound to monitor the function of organs and is still one that you will not promise results.

Sometimes people say that you are supposedly quite healthy and continue to shrug. Dr. Hyun Kim is open to suggestions. This happens rarely. Anu Saad is actively involved in the matter. Tell you a secret that this issue has touched me. At one time I was fascinated youthful illness participation in beauty contests. Then they took me to a model agency, and I drifted head finally. I stopped eating. Altogether.

The day I ate two apples, yogurt, a little salad or soup and drank no more than 400ml. water. That's all. Then did was to replace the little that was eating into the water or juice. Of course my weight is already small, became noticeably falling down.



Prohibitions and restrictions – the trappings of education. They help parents care for the safety of life and health of the child and the child learn moral values (what is good and what is bad). K Unfortunately, the bans, but an indisputable good, bring a lot of harm! They contribute to widening the gap of misunderstanding between parents and children and prevent the development of the child, forcing him into a morass of low self-esteem and insecurity in their abilities. How did this happen? To begin with, that ways of its development the child is very often confronted with the word "impossible". Adults are difficult to assess the extent of this phenomenon, as uttered the word automatically, mechanically, and this, as all familiar, is not noticed (a little understood). In this case, they tend to understand why they ban this or that behavior to their children (care about the safety or form cultural and moral values). Children, on the contrary, it is absolutely unclear why forbidden to do anything.

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that children are well aware of – much of what they do not, adults are not only permitted, indeed, for that he also "Thank you" they say. For example, 3-year-old girl wants to help her mother cook a soup, but my mom is trying to remove it from the plate, knowing what the dangers of pot with boiling water. In this case, mother did not Only you can make soup, but she receives praise for this, a kiss on the cheek and a host of other "strokes" of the pope.

Healing Stone Shungite

Healing Stone Shungite

Shungite – specific carbon-breed got its name from the village of Shunga on shore of Lake Onega, where the first shungite was detected. Shungite produced in Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the town of Abakan, and also in . Color schungite depending on the chemical composition can be black, gray, gray and other colors, interspersed with pyrite (gold), quartz (white). Shungite This can be distinguished from forgery because it is easy to conduct electricity. Shungite has tremendous ability to change the structure of water, giving it the healing properties due to the fact that amorphous carbon has the ability to move from the surface shungite in the water. Thus, water is carbonaceous. Due to this flow of water increases, and increases the permeability of water through the cell membrane. Shungite purify water, remove the harmful substances that blagotvortno acts on the body.

Complications when taking food from shungite does not arise. This stone has anti-inflammatory effect, immunomodulating and antioxidant action. In terms of feng shui shungite belongs to the element of water and therefore its use is necessary for people who need water, or to whom water is favorable. Since inflammation related to the element of fire, shungite (water) decreases (inhibits) the tumor (the fire) So, it successfully used in oncology. Shungite sold as a rock, Pulver, pasta, pyramid, ointment.

This unusual stone is able to reduce the effect of zones, it is used often in mounds around military installations. Shungite reduces vozdeysvie appliances, cellular phones, reducing the aggressiveness of humans and animals. Since aggression is the influence of the metal, the shungite (water) drains irritation and anger (metal). If the home put in a room aggressive person or a fighter pyramid of shungite, the man slowly but surely change its behavior. You can also change the behavior and aggressive animals in the house. Pyramid with schungite better to use wax krikleiv inside in the upper corner of a piece of rock crystal, whereas the effect of the pyramid is a more lenient. Those who are familiar with the school of feng shui "Flying Star" is recommended to place the pyramid on the metal cluster of stars, or where is now unfavorable star metal 7. Currently sold rugs for cars with schungite pillows and a pyramid. People use shungite could make sure that they have more accidents on the roads there. Shungite (water) weakens the negative effect of metal (machines). Everyone who enjoys schungite speak only positively about this breed. But it is worth remembering that the common recipes for all no. And people who have a very small Number of items metal in the body, shungite not help, but just the opposite. People who need the element of fire and have his little shungite (water) is contraindicated. How do I know that certain elements are favorable, but some do not, you must acquainted with the eastern astrology Oksana