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Month: December 2014

Handmade Jewelry

Handmade Jewelry

Under Handmade jewelry refers to the various necklaces, beads, bracelets, earrings and brooches, made by hands of the author. In handcrafted using various materials and elements. The authors put a piece of themselves in each of their work, giving them a particular mood. Jewelry can be implemented as a fully beaded and beads and beaded beads and knitted on the basis of different patterns made from a variety of colorful threads, decorated with lace, bows, beads, beautiful brooches and cute items. Speaking of the beads. I would like to talk about them in detail. Beads – is not just a ball with a through hole. The beauty of beads lies in the huge diversity and combination of shapes, sizes, colors and textures of the materials from which they are made.

People have long collected and stored beads. Of beads made decorations that symbolize wealth, love and provision in society; beads were paid, they were used as talismans, avoid the evil forces and bring happiness and luck. How many people will argue that dumped unwanted beads? Of course not! We fondly cherish the old beads and out of fashion necklaces. Some of these decorations keep the memory of a loved one, and some just pleasing to the eye. It has become fashionable to restore and remodel, and often make new necklaces, earrings and bracelets.

Sometime old jewelry will be useful to us and we can fill them with new breath. And the light will have new handmade jewelry. Manufacture and use of handmade beads began when, as the ancients adorned themselves with the tribes, and continued until Victorian times, when ladies were obsessed with a passion for clothes and necklaces. We hope that the techniques for making beads, presented in the future on our website will be of interest to you and you just like we are carried away Crafts handmade.

Far North

Far North

Familiarity with the turnip is everyone in early childhood when reading a fairy tale about the turnip. But with the very many have not met a vegetable, which is a pity, because this amber-yellow root successfully combines excellent taste and wonderful healing properties. Let's learn about this traditional Russian vegetable more. In turnip long history. She was the second, and sometimes the first "bread", the conquered peoples paid tribute to her conquerors. Many commanders did not disdain personally prepare dishes from this wonderful vegetable. In some European countries, farmers paid a tithe is a turnip. In Russia, turnips eaten all year round, baked her cakes, flavored soups and borscht, even prepared a special brew.

Another Russian monks grew turnips to replenish the meager diet of northern edge of the harsh, because rap is growing even in the Far North. Turnips booze like cabbage, added to the flour (previously dried and grinding). Turnips unpretentious, resistant to cold, does not require special care. By the way, it will be interesting to know that GM does not exist turnips, turnip greens all only natural and organic foods are needed for all, especially If you are installing aluminum stained glass windows. However, despite the usefulness of this root, enter in your diet should be cautious. The ancient Greeks said that she puchit. Flatulence is the sulfur contained in the turnips in large quantities. Therefore, by mounting the aluminum translucent structures, try to drink less after a meal.

Can mitigate the effects mentioned spices – cumin, coriander, dill. If raw turnip difficult to chew, Rub it on a grater, or better yet, bake in the oven. Of course, the crude product is better absorbed when the digestive tract relatively healthy. In the period of acute inflammatory diseases of the liver and gallbladder, as well as gastric and duodenal ulcers better to abandon the cake. Not worth it to use and renal diseases, as well as increased flatulence. When choosing a turnip, pay attention to her appearance – it should be bright yellow, hard, firm, with juicy green leaves. Withered greens, stains, wormholes say about the poor quality roots. This sunny vegetable diuretic properties, eliminates edema. And if the construction of your conservatory major work, feel free to eat turnips. This root can be included in the diet. Since long ago it compresses steamed turnips were treated from frostbite, pain in the joints. So turnip not only useful product, but also drug tool to help you in many diseases. In the old days, when even in Russia, did not know sugar, honey and cost expensive, eating dried turnip, which resembled dried fruit, which gave redechny flavor sweet savor.

Sage SalesLogix

Sage SalesLogix

We have excellent news for our entire community of users and friends and especially those that currently make use of SalesLogix CRM platform. Fulfilling your SalesLogix, Sage enterprise system development plan ( is the corporate site, is the solutions portal is the site dedicated to CRM solutions) has announced version 7.5 of the system is now ready. Many of you know the versatility and flexibility of SalesLogix as a tool to implement the strategies of CRM and loyalty to the interior of its organizations. Many of you make excellent use of SalesLogix to respond the needs of the market and be able to provide a better service to its customers. Now, with the improvements made in version 7.5, you may implement these strategies with greater speed and functionality. We present below a brief summary of the main improvements in the new version of SalesLogix: strengthening of the entire WEB platform of our solution. Users of SalesLogix to level world they have requested the strengthening of the system in its WEB platform and Sage has responded to this need by releasing in this version all the functionality that exists in the client/server platform and has even been more far implementing new functionality that will be available for now only in WEB.

A new module of fairly complete management of prospects with great functionality is designed. It is no longer necessary to create prospects such as accounts or contacts to develop commercial activities with them to convert them into customers has been integrated within SalesLogix business processes automation. Now you may create workflows and automate business processes related to the functions of CRM will have enriched SalesLogix customization tools, allowing you to create more powerful applications and more oriented to the Web 2.0 world. Through the use of Mashups, Web Services and other new tools you may create applications powerful and fully enabled to work on web enhancements in several features of the system as attachments (attachments) can be included in the activities and able to handle the notes of e-mail in the history of the system to make editing, forwarding and all normal activities with an element such as e-mail, are some of the improvements that will generate greater productivity using SalesLogix. To learn SalesLogix 7.5 new features in more detail, please refer to the document entitled What s new in Sage SalesLogix 7.5. We have multiple additional resources such as presentations, technical documents and even Web access to the new version.

Marketing Networks

Marketing Networks

Discover how the network marketing may be the best profitable businesses from home. An idea that is heard every day harder says: rather than have money ten networks of contacts. Market networks with the media on the Internet are becoming the best opportunities of having own business, most companies that administer these networks pay more than 60% in total commissions. Market or multi-level networks is a system that is built on the basis of the interest of the people leverage their work with other people with similar interests. To achieve this you need a central unit that manages this network, which usually tend to be companies with a great ability to summon a large number of people. Usually this networking system is adopted to achieve distribution channels based on the recommendation by word of mouth.

Many companies instead of spending money on advertising are turning to people who wish to consume their products and earn a Commission for recommending it. But it is important to note that if we have plans to join a business of this type it is necessary to first have a good number of people interested in us. Businesses now are relationships where we are the most important character. Every business starts with relationships, but now more than ever this factor is necessary to work with more professionalism. The first relations then business.

A good way to start with relations and at the same time make network of marketing ourselves as a product, is to invest time in social networks. Achieve a network of contacts interested in what we can share is much more profitable to go out and sell. Some tips to keep in mind this phrase I like our destiny is to shine as children do not create false illusions with promises of quick and easy money, since as in all businesses, all depends on the tax effort to achieve the goals and objectives. Continuous updating is essential, since you’re going to be responsible for empowering people who achieve affiliate, and is always better with what works now. Keep present that attitude, fitness, motivation and leadership are the keys to the success of this type of business, and that the people that you ability must comply with these characteristics. Begin by defining by written activities, schedules and goals to achieve (sales, visits, utilities, affiliates and self-training) so you clarifiques ideas and develop them with ease. The most important personage, in a network marketing business as part of the profitable business, art thou, so it is indispensable to develop better social personality, rather than best seller.