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Month: July 2018

Differentiated Economic News To Think

Differentiated Economic News To Think

These are our entrepreneurs financial crisis. New borrowing. Economic crisis. There are currently only a few positive news but there is! Christian Duelli, author and biographer of Landshut, breaks a lance for the entrepreneurs in the country: family businesses are often over crisis experienced over generations. You have successfully weathered wars, currency conversions, and inflation. It is interesting how different owners react in difficult times. You mean that they act with courage, creativity and flexibility and are thus even in these times of quality and progress is.

Our entrepreneurs are, assume the responsibility for their employees and respect are our raw materials for our environment. “Our business: our economic pillars and pillars of our society.” Late last year Duelli published new Landshut privately”. It contains the personal stories of eight old Landshuter family business. The protagonists of the belonging tell a wide variety of industries and company sizes in a very personal way by start-ups, their family up to the current General conditions. One of the messages of the book is: the family-run SMEs creates here at our training and jobs. Duelli is convinced: experiences, which have been passed down in the family for generations, are incredibly valuable in times of crisis. But this had and this must be recorded. The disclosure of corporate and family history also makes a valuable contribution to the preservation of the past. “Because as said already Wilhelm von Humboldt at the end of the 18th century: only those who know the past, has a future!” Learn more about Landshut privately”and the topics of company history and biography, see.