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Data Protection

Data Protection

External, Data Protection Officer An external data protection officers will ensure compliance with the required standards in data protection, which incorporated into all corporate processes. On the basis of a reliable data protection management system, the position of each company to its employees and supervisors, but also to the customers supported and strengthened. Recently Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. sought to clarify these questions. In this case, an external, Data Protection Officer ensures that internal company processes are not restricted by inappropriate or less useful data protection requirements. An operational, external data protection actual fee a company expects to appoint its own internal data protection, and educate it for Privacy tasks according to the release period. External data protection officer to inform practice in all areas of data protection, making the customer can always rely on current Datenschutzwissen without having to provide internal workers must. An operational Data protection is to authorize in writing. Important here is to define the tasks in a document.

If a lead agency to appoint an external or company's data protection needs, this is still obliged to comply with the Data Protection Act and must comply with the relevant privacy laws and compliance. An external data protection officer must at all times by an interested party, while maintaining confidentiality consulted can be. For companies with similar structures should note the following delegate: In principle, any independente, a legal person one's own company's data protection, this course meets the lawful requirements for it. Also note that an external, Data Protection Officer must be appointed by the Federal Data Protection Act only if the designated person has the technical skills required. Necessary skills in this most appropriate data protection and IT law, as well as experience in operating or governmental organization.