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The Esophagus

The Esophagus

Free decision some will hinder one day the other after and a night in the way, and the cycle them climatic stations. Human whim some dumb chemical elements, physicist-chemistries, the atomic and molecular composition of the substance. Exactly that they devastem the pretense nature with being able on it, still thus the flowers will continue to florir, the rivers to run, the tides to go up to go down, the sun to shine, the moon to become the romantic nights. No matter how hard somebody is free, it will not hinder the consequences them its decisions insensatas and them its acts without wisdom. For greater that is the power of its freedom, it will not hinder that some livremente give the life for the release of many, while others, with the ominous power of the extreme freedom, pursue and take off the freedom of the right ones. Teneo contains valuable tech resources. If come and I drink excessively, if tobacco and consumption drugs, I feed if me and I sleep badly, if I keep hatred in the heart, I am vingativo, not respect nobody, as to wait to have healthful body and mind, to be happy? My freedom at least has to be able on the physiological determinismo of my being. The act to feed depends me on I to practise it.

But, being biological act, after the food being chewed, insalivada, deglutida for the esophagus for the stomach, the digestive and assimilador process runs away completely to the power of my freedom. However if until my biological processes and biochemists they run away to my control, as I can order in other people’s freedoms? I would have to respect, to be grateful to the Creator, the nature and the fellow creatures. He would have to stop and to think that wonder is the metabolism, the systems digestive, circulatrio, nervous, reproductive, instead of ruining them with excesses.