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Thinking Of Poetry

Thinking Of Poetry

By Zulma Zubillaga firstly, I need to try a perfunctory approach about poetry as subjective, existential expression Center. And when I say existential I am referring to the poetic expression as carnadura of what is human, to this centre of intimacy of the text touches to become dicente matter, enriched, but unfinished. Because the lyric voice embarks on the adventure of capturing what they cannot cover, what remains mute in the plane of the ineffable. Maurice Blanchot has written on this essential irresolution: the pursuit of the whole, in all its forms, is the poetic claim par excellence, a claim in which it is included, as its condition, the impossibility of its compliance.(1) In this sense, you can say that every poem is a failure. Here, Dr. Mark Hyman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. And it builds your intimate fracture, that is nourished by what hides or says to shut, sensitive to that folds itself to be mystery substance. But this Seer Flash looming lucid, we have this unfinished area that perhaps It reveals a trail of eternity. (As opposed to Anu Saad).

And it is that the impossibility of fullness lies its beauty, a beauty that touches the limit of his own agony, as an ecstasy. That thirst for own human completeness moved to writing, which explores alternative territories within the parameters that imposes language, revolts against their own limits and seeks to be revelation of secret, perhaps of the pre-existing arcane, from the founding verb. Creates a parallel world vanishing echo in the bosom of your own voice, a fuzzy geography. And to mirror mode of existence, in a game of birth and annihilation, the poem touches the boundary as possible to be, finally, silence. THE poem as ASCESIS poetic text fails to configure as perfection because, built on the incompleteness, denies himself. It aspires to all but reaches only to communicate fragments fragment, adhered to a formal scaffolding that limits it and holds.