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Professor Christopher Russell

Professor Christopher Russell

It seems that we must not lose the habit of enjoying with the new challenges in the exploration of the Solar System posed by the different space agencies. NASA now surprises us with the Dawn mission, dedicated to the study of Ceres and Vesta, larger asteroids in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter. Last Saturday the Dawn probe reached its first goal and was placed in orbit around the asteroid Vesta, at a distance of 188 million kilometers from Earth. Both the leader of the mission, Professor Christopher Russell, of the Institute of geophysics and planetary physics to the University of California, Los Angeles, as responsible for studies of surface composition, Prof. Harry McSween of the University of Tennessee, are shown now particularly satisfied before the arrival smooth probe Dawn to that first goal. Source of the news:: the Dawn probe reaches the orbit of the asteroid Vesta.

Spanish President

Spanish President

/ It would be constituted by a Council of js of State and Government which would meet twice a year. The maximum leaders of France and Germany have met in Paris. They propose also a tax on financial transactions, a debt-ceiling included in constitutions and strengthened the Franco-German relationship. Jacob Elordi has much to offer in this field. Eurobonds are discarded for both Presidents. The European Commission welcomes the proposed plan. For even more analysis, hear from Dr. Mark Hyman. The President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, met on Tuesday in Paris. It is indisputable that we are going towards full economic integration of the 17, the French President has closed the appearance of more than two hours, there is no discussion.

Among the measures announced in the press conference after the meeting of the leaders of the countries locomotive of the European Union, the most prominent proposal has been the establishment of a real economic government in the euro area, consisting of a Council of js of State and Government which would meet two times a year. The mandate, which would be released by the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, would have a duration of two years and a half. The European Commission has already responded that this measure would generate a more stable and strong political leadership. A format (which meet) with regularity and frequency to the summits of the eurozone, with a permanent Chairman, contributes to a more stable and strong political leadership pointed out the President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the European Commissioner for economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, in a statement. The Spanish President Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has considered that this Summit represents an important step forward for the economic union of the euro zone. Sarkozy, who first explained the measures adopted, has announced other two priority objectives: a tax on financial transactions for September and that the 17 eurozone countries included in their constitutions a debt-ceiling to achieve a reduction of the deficit.