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Understanding the Philosophy of Mitxel

Understanding the Philosophy of Mitxel

A couple of days ago I notice something on a blog that I like, which I usually read with pleasure,but sometimes in disgust. It’s not a question of masochism, but do not believe it is part of its charm. The text in question is written by a Mitxel, I have no idea who he is and to tell you the truth, not that I care too much. The point is that ETA has now killed a policeman in Vizcaya national terrorist group, just three days after an agreement was signed during a working meeting held in the capital of Alava those most responsible for the Interior of the central and Basque governments Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba and Rodolfo Ares, whereby the Ertzaintza have access to the French data on ETA.

Apart from the contemptible and wretched for the attack, the fact is that this terrorist act is very revealing. Demonstrates to what extent he felt bad for ETA, finally, the Ertzaintza between fully in the fight against terrorism, marking, in this way, a beginning and an end, at least predictable, not being at the head of the Basque Interior any officers of the PNV. No one can doubt that, right now, ETA is more suffocating than ever is more, I do not think that those responsible for this attack for months to come out of a jail thing that pleased me, and I hope they are locked for a long, long, long time, but the fact remains that the entry of the Ertzaintza in the fight to end this mafia group that will accelerate and will result in asphyxiation end.