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Los Seasonings

Los Seasonings

Since very ancient times mankind uses herbs, spices and seasonings very different for many purposes. In the kitchen, the delicate parts of the herbs such as leaves and flowers are classified as herbs, whereas dried aromatic extracts, seeds and roots are known as spice. The secret of the cuisine is many times to know used the exact amount of seasonings, without loading the food too. The best way of getting to know them is to cook dishes containing only an herb or a spice, to learn how it interacts with different foods; observe how their flavor intensifies cooking and discover if you really like him. Herbs have been used to develop mitigating infusions of pains and even for the preparation of magic potions. It is also possible to grow fresh herbs in a pot.

To preserve herbs aromatic following this simple rule: thoroughly wash the fresh leaves, wrap them in moist paper towels and refrigerate them for up to a week. If you want to save the chopped or powdered herbs, separate the leaf stalks once dried and it shreds on a paper or bowl. They are then packaged. This operation is very easy when the grass is dry, for which the time limits are very variable; some require weeks. Original author and source of the article

Cause Hemorrhoids

Cause Hemorrhoids

Almost 40% of the adult population suffers from hemorrhoids. Are you committing any of these three errors that contribute to this condition? Today, I want to alert you of something that is going to affect 40% of the population (or more) at some point in their lives. They are called hemorrhoids and are basically a way to inflammation of the veins around the region low rectum. Blood on toilet paper? Itching in the area of the year? Pain to make the bathroom? All of these are signs that your could have hemorrhoids and it is not a matter of laugh because although they seem common, they can be extremely embarrassing. In the scenarios more severe, may even get to hang as a lump out of your rear region. So that what are the most common mistakes that contribute to developing this condition? Even if you already have them today, avoid any of the following three mistakes can gradually lighten this condition.

Error #1: Eating too much processed food. This may be hard to believe for some people. But, It is known that the processed food creates digestive problems. This creates some other ailments that can lead to hemorrhoids and constipation. The key here is that when you’re suffering and trying to cure your hemorrhoids, is that you go down your consumption of sugar and processed foods.

Error #2: Sedentary lifestyle. Spend much time sitting can create additional pressure on the rear area and this creates the perfect environment to make appear the hemorrhoids if combined with some factor such as constipation or pregnancy (in women). The solution is to make sure not to sit for periods of longer than one hour, and remember stretch that promote good blood circulation. Error #3: Consumption of processed medicines and creams. This creates the same potential problem as processed food. There are even many fiber supplements that contain processed or artificial components that can create side effects in other parts of the body and ultimately do not attack or even the root of the problem. The other dark side of creams that has no benefit is that they do lose one its time and hemorrhoids get worse over time if the root of the problem is not reversed. So try to avoid these three errors and at least not contribute to hemorrhoids from getting worse. It is very important to understand this in our modern lifestyle of sedentary office work and diets of processed food.