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Statefunded Research

Statefunded Research

The tug of war to government money for research is great. Berlin – hotbed of research institutions and the German universities, represented by the German high school (DHV), try to undermine each other water. The President of the high schulverbandes, Bernhard Kempen, tried on average 60 students per University Professor, 2.7 million students in 2013/2014, the need for 6,500 additional professors–with these arguments currently its push to establish that State-funded research primarily at the universities may take place. Also should be the universities in the future sole winners of promotion law. However, the non-university research institutes in Germany such as the Leibniz society, the Helmholtz-Gesellschaft and the Max Planck Society are. The latter wants the promotion right now. By the same author: Dr Jee Hyun Kim. The German high school wants to achieve general primacy of universities in terms of research and the related public funds.

The Gap between University and non-university research go on further apart, so the DHV to the detriment of the universities. The universities had been underfunded for decades. This tug of war to government money is actually based on unequal treatment of the universities, which is defined in article 91 b GG. Then, the Federal Government can promote projects of science and research at universities only if all States agree to. And when are ever United all provinces? The German universities are indeed chronically under-funded, but for decades. This lack of money not affects however central teaching, research. Because too little money in the lesson flows, there is grade inflation, which is currently being discussed. All teachers must finally can be hired, that they have also a future career as a university lecturer and properly be paid.

Then these teachers can take care finally also appropriately the doctrine, not only to themselves, i.e. to her career. In this respect, the present dispute is all about research funds in the wrong direction. Universities should not be there primarily for the academic research. There are also the non-university research institutions. This segregation of duties should be much closer through targeted control of Government funds that should, if necessary, also means bind. In this respect, the author of this present contribution and academic ghost writer has since over 20 years no understanding for the suggestion of universities for more research funds. Harald Bahner sources this news: Schmoll, Heike: hungry universities. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of the 18.03.2013, p. 4 basic law: article 91 b GG, (was 22.03.2013) Bahner, Harald: grade inflation puts graduates and employers under pressure. In: news from the 20.03.2013, (as 22.03.2013) Harald Bahner under Unter den Linden 21 D-10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 297 79 117 company: is one of the best-known and most established providers of serious academic ghost writer – and authors services in the German-speaking as well as providers of scientific coaching, scientific advice and General writing based in the heart of Germany – Berlin, under the Linden/Friedrichstrasse.