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Medical Association

Medical Association

Article 1 of law 15173, existing since 1964, said that the medical school is the representative of the medical profession and in its article 5 inc. A, says that it is responsible for ensuring that its activity is governed by the principles and precepts set forth in the code of ethics and deontology, these important duties were ratified the Statute of the school approved in the year 2000, as we can read it in chapter II, article 6 and chapter III, article 7. Recitals of the resolution not 5295-CN-CMP-2007, sets with all lucidity which is essential, especially for medicine, have a code of ethics and deontology established on the basis of the principles of moral development of men and doctors, in this case. In the preamble of the code, the high-level Commission, responsible for drafting, said that society, by putting the defense of life in the hands of the doctor, requires him, at the same time, stricter in their conduct of the mentioned ethical aspirations of humanity. In the Declaration of principles of the code, first section, title I, in items 1, 2 and 3, will insist on the obligation of the physician to respect the dignity of persons, to look at their patients not as a means, but as an end, and forces the doctor to treat the human being in its uniqueness, fullness and totality. More information is housed here: CEO Mylan. The law of the work doctor (DL 559), in title I, article 2 and 5, detailing the medical act is governed by the precepts and principles set forth in the code of ethics and deontology. The law General of health 26842, in its preliminary title, item III, says the conceived is subject of law in the field of health.

All this Legal scaffolding, not ago but recorded in laws, the Ethereal moral principles of medicine, a scientific profession but above all humanist, a profession that bases all its activity in the defence of health and life, from newly conceived (as the State recognized through the General Law of) Health) up to the extreme senescence, that principle of oneness and continuity, referred to in the code of ethics, refers to the defence of newly conceived is special, given its status of being the most helpless of the helpless. The directors of the Medical Association in their different regions, are elected to comply with and enforce the law, statute, regulation and the code of ethics and deontology and not to violate them as the regulation establishes in its chapter III article 43. The medical school lives an electoral process and is necessary for those who aspire to lead the institution, know which is its function, since there are some directors of Lima and provinces are saying slightly in favour of abortion and contrary to our regulations Claro can comment but previously relinquishing its role as managers of the College! institutionally the medical school does not endorse abortion!, chapter IV, article 73 provides for complaints against managers who violate these moral principles referred to in the Act, regulation, statute and code, as that is comes already prepared in Lima, no lobbyist campaign can undermine this solid philosophical base, resting on historical principles of solidarity, freedom and justice and that begins by defending the right to life and above all the right to life of the most helpless of the helpless.