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Natural Cosmetics

Natural Cosmetics

The natural cosmetics differs in many respects from the conventional cosmetics. We call natural substances to any ingredient of vegetable, animal or mineral that comes directly from agricultural production and natural ingredients are any natural ingredient processed in accordance with authorized procedures. Natural cosmetics are products that are made from natural ingredients or natural origin and containing only a particular percentage of synthetic ingredients (approximately 5%) in its formulation, which are not considered harmful to the environment or our skin. Butters and vegetable waxes, vegetable oils, essential oils, algae, pure plant extracts and ingredients produced by bees are used as the basis of the formulation. These natural ingredients do not contain substances that irritate the skin, contain no chemical dyes or preservatives of synthesis and have the fewest possible transformations and refined processes, keeping their properties more fully original. This type of cosmetic is used both to improve the health of our skin or in our hair. Since using it we favour dermal regeneration and protection of the skin functions, which is equipped with mechanisms that help cleaned or purged of harmful toxins and thus stay healthy. The ingredients of organic origin are those animal or vegetable ingredients that come from ecological, biological or organic farms based on the optimal use of natural resources, without the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) obtaining so organic products and to the fertility of the land is preserved and respected the environment, logically all this in a sustainable and balanced way.

As also the manufacture of cosmetic products with vegetable ingredients what entails an ecological ethic, because it doesn’t do chemical or aggressive waste which are harmful to the environment, and to thereby avoiding excess packaging and used recycled packaging or recyclable. Natural cosmetics manufacturers tend to be small self-employed entrepreneurs or small family enterprises located in rural environments which contribute with their effort to generate wealth in underprivileged areas and create decent jobs. There are agencies that certify compliance with the legislation of organic farming, some of them are Soil Association, Demeter, Natrue, Ecocert, BDIH or Qualite France. As a guideline, here we describe some of the requirements that products must meet to receive their certification: – not tested on animals – non GMO (genetically modified organisms) – content minimum of 50% of organic ingredients – the following materials are not permitted, either as solvents, or for any other purpose as an ingredient, additive, or adjuvant: mineral oils and derivative products petroleum benzene propylene glycol Butilenglicol agents chelating EDTA and its salts raw materials obtained from dead animals (e.g., animal fats, animal collagen or living cells). Visit the Natural cosmetics shop and learn more about the natural anti-wrinkle creams.