First Medical Institute

First Medical Institute

ROSENBAUM Alexander Yakovlevich (singer, poet, composer) was born September 13, 1951 in Leningrad. His father, Jacob Shmarevich – urologist. His mother, Sophia S. – an obstetrician-gynecologist. Grandfather, brother, uncle – also a doctor, which could not affect the choice of the initial occupation of young Alexander, though, the words of an adult A. Rosenbaum, a profession he chose himself 'no pressure' on the part of relatives.

Review of Creativity>>> Music became involved with the age of five. He graduated from the musical school piano, played guitar, took part in the initiative, then graduated from the Evening School of Music in arrangements. He played for friends, playing at home, playing in the yard. In general, in the words of Alexander Jakovljevic, on 'the scene with five years'. Musical from childhood was fairly decently educated, which could not be said of poetry. In childhood the future poet does not know her. It was raised and the court, and boys' attitudes. Then discovered Mayakovsky – 'amazing lyrics', now well acquainted not only with domestic but also world poetry.

Intelligent boy and mother took the violin, and figure skating, but the fighter's training yard made itself felt, and seventh graders Sasha ran away in a box. Escaped, though not in order to hone the ability to hit in the face. Just by the nature of his soul by a courageous sport. Hope in the box Sasha filed are not bad, but combine in full training with his studies at the First Medical Institute was impossible and had to leave the box.

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