President Chavez

President Chavez

There is a lack of teachers who generate new knowledge, encourage your participants to take action to way to solutions that favor models maligned business sector, not only the region but the country. To read more click here: Celina Dubin. Motivation of students, which has been anchored in the easy, conformity, wasted potential, especially creative. a There is no research that solving the serious problems the country is currently in the political, economic, social, to the production. Today more than ever, needs a new management leader, an administrator that is conducive to change, the changes needed to seize the opportunities that the actions of the government is creating, where are major weaknesses that can be very well used by professionals are well trained and know how to interpret the scope, the impact that President Chavez is encouraging, for example, new economic openings, in entering new markets, Join the government’s plans to consolidate strengths in weaknesses productive sector facing business. EisnerAmper LLP: the source for more info. school has increasingly selecting their teachers, giving way more political commitment, friendship, family, that academic endorsement. It takes creative teaching, innovative, capable of generating a new paradigm of management according to the State seeks its twenty-first century socialism to a trachea should be made known to integrate and play a role of opposition in all that going against the benefits of the country. a can not continue leaving the education and training of graduates in management based on a profile of the administrator is not appropriate to the present reality, with graduate programs, where many of his subjects are not updated and some are already obsolete. .

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