

If you don’t know what probiotics are, it’s bacteria that maintain the healthy balance of flora in the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics do this by controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Probiotics are part of a normal, healthy digestive system. The potential of probiotics for many years, scientists have been studying the potential of probiotics in the treatment of various intestinal diseases. Found that probiotics have a number of health benefits, including promoting a healthy immune system and preventing inflammations. Today, however, we have another reason to cheer to probiotics.

In a recent study, women who have given birth after a year at which they were given probiotics from the first trimester of their pregnancy were being less likely to be obese. This finding indicates that obesity can be prevented by altering the bacterial balance in the intestines. The study noted 256 women pregnant women who were in their first trimester. They were divided into three groups at random. Two groups received advice on diet and foods containing monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They were also given cereals for breakfast and paste enriched with fiber to take home. A group of the two received capsules of probiotics every day.

These capsules contain Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, two of the most commonly used probiotics. The other group received placebo capsules. The third group of women received false capsules and had no dietary advice. Directed to subjects to take the capsules continuously until they stopped feeding their babies exclusively with chest. Scientists discovered that central obesity, which is defined as a type of obesity with a BMI of 30 or more (or more than 80 centimetres waist circumference), was evident in the 25% of women who received probiotics and dietary advice. On the other hand, the central obesity was observed in 43% of women who only received dietary advice and in 40% of women who did not receive nor Council dietary or probiotics. On average, the probiotics Group had a percentage of 28% body fat, with a 29% dietary counseling group, and the last group had a 30%. Of course that more research is needed, but it is interesting to know that bacteria in our gut could really help us to lose weight. More information on the Online Pharmacy. Original author and source of the article

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