Raw Material Storage

Raw Material Storage

The shelf life of raw materials vary depending on the species. So many kinds of raw materials during storage over a year lose much of its medicinal properties. Some types of raw materials, such as lycopodium, almost do not change their properties and long-term storage, and buckthorn bark gets its medicinal properties only after years of storage. Saponin for improper storage can be significantly damaged by pests. Specific pests of medicinal raw materials not just an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment to clean the cushions of his amazing regular pests of agricultural products.

Most common pests are mites and beetles – large flour beetle, grain grinder, a small flour beetle, moth mill, flour moth, granary weevil, granary mites. There are three degrees of defeat feedstock pests. The first time the extent of damage material can be allowed for medical use after the screening and fumigation. Need cleaning pads. With the defeat of second-degree raw materials to the fumigation must be not only sifted, sorted and then it can be used in the production of cooking products. When third-degree lesion material is rejected.

At pharmaceutical plants defective raw materials may be used to extract the active ingredients. In other cases, it is destroyed. We introduce a method for determining the degree of destruction of raw materials pests. Pest can be preventive and destruc. Destructive measures consist in the destruction of pests by fumigation of restoration materials. The simplest method is to heat treatment fumigation. Contaminated materials are placed in drying chamber and maintained at a temperature of 50-60 C for 1-2 hours to kill pests also carry out fumigation of raw materials and facilities with sulfur dioxide, chloropicrin and other substances.

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