With Rich Skin Care Through The Cold Season

With Rich Skin Care Through The Cold Season

Caressima Shea butter – new skin care series about the GesundheitsWelt directly to acquire Wolfsburg, December 2, 2009 – the days are noticeably cooler and the increasingly harsh wind. The cold season is approaching and we noticed that our skin: If a slightly fresher wind is blowing again, our needs a special care largest organ. The influences could be not more complex. It’s out chubby hot already already really cold and inside in the Office or in your own four walls. Thanks to Central and under floor heating, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air is often more than 10 degrees. Way too much for our skin, which can adapt slowly to the changing weather conditions and responded with irritation to the confusion: the skin’s own moisture control device out of step. The result is skin that is often dry and prone to redness.

Therefore, experts recommend to maintain the skin in the winter especially rich. The Shea or Shea butter is a natural product made from the nuts of the Karitebaumes and one of the oldest and most precious vegetable fats in the world. Already the Egyptian Queen Nefertiti known for their exceptional beauty should have access to be maintain of their skin to the traditional Shea butter. The Caressima Shea butter care range contains many high-quality fatty acids, which enrich the skin and remain even after cleaning in the skin as a protective layer. This property is known as the expression ‘Unverseifbarkeit’. The butter once moved into the skin, it is so no longer wash out like at a normal cream. In addition vitamin E, provitamin A and Allantoin provide a protected skin, lindernden charm and regenerating effect.

Special anti-aging substances, such as the extracted from the Paracress Acmella oleracea, which recently considered particularly promising in the fight against wrinkles was Angeles Times Act in an expert survey of Los in addition effectively the aging opposed. About the GesundheitsWelt directly the Caressima Shea butter care series from December can be purchased. The Care range includes both skin and body care products as cleaning oils and SOAP. All articles are free of problematic substances, such as parabens and PEG’s. Caressima uses only preservatives and emulsifiers, which are prescribed by the BDIH for the production of natural cosmetics.

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