Healthy Solvents for Pregnancy

Healthy Solvents for Pregnancy

It concerns the means to kill insects, and products containing chlorine. Safer is the use of soap, soda, etc. Performing possible work in the garden, in contact with the ground, be sure to wear rubber gloves, and after that – wash your hands thoroughly. This is a good preventive toxoplasmosis. To prevent infection, and this other infections transmitted through food and contact with the ground, be sure to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

Thoroughly wash hands, kitchen surfaces iposudu after contact with raw meat, vegetables and fruit, seafood, poultry. Preparing food, enough give in to her cooking. If the house you have pets, you need to be careful Bole, caring for them: make sure to use the rubber gloves, wash your hands thoroughly, especially before eating. Better care for the cat if you allow another member of your family. Try seldom produce their darling into the street and did not give her raw or not processed meats. Absolutely necessary to avoid a desire to animal shelters, as it can be a source of various dangerous for pregnant women infections. It is very important for the mother is the question of proper rest. In the evening, before going to bed will be useful for a walk in the fresh air in the park.

At night you should sleep at least 8-9 hours, in well-ventilated room at a comfortable bed. If your course pregnancy is not accompanied by any complications, then sex is perfectly safe for you and for the unborn child and may continue throughout pregnancy except for the first and the last 8 weeks. Considering the changes in shape and increasing the load on your body, along with your partenerom, you may need to be more careful and cautious. In the presence of complicated pregnancy (threat interruption, a history of prematurity, placenta previa, etc.), of complications from cardiovascular sitsemy and other organs and systems, sexual relationships during pregnancy should have certain limitations and may even be generally contraindicated. Every pregnant woman, respectively relating to their health and well-being of future child should understand that the active or passive smoking, and drinking alcohol or drugs during pregnancy is especially harmful impact on child development, both before and after his birth. Smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes dysfunction of the placenta, the delay development of the fetus increases the risk of premature birth and stillbirth. Nicotine, alcohol and drugs pass through the placenta and disrupt the normal development of organs and systems of the fetus. Particularly sensitive to their toxic effects is the nervous system. Therefore, after the birth of these children are typical lag in the physical and mental development, congenital malformations and a syndrome of sudden death. Rejecting tobacco, alcohol and drugs, worrying about their health, eating and fully adhering to the rules of personal hygiene, you will make an important step in the birth of your healthy baby.

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